Visualize The You That You Love: Reach It Through A Healthy Diet And Exercise

Nothing is more powerful than visualizing your dreams into existence. Often the biggest challenges in life occur because of one’s inability to adjust their mentality towards their goals. Constant doubt and apprehension is the biggest culprit for laziness, bad habits, and lack of effort. Not only does this affect your ability to achieve your desires, but alters the way you perceive yourself. Weight loss is almost an impossible task under these harsh conditions. Let’s visualize the you that you love, and reach your goals through a healthy diet and exercise!

Inviting Positivity Into Your Life

white and purple heart shaped stone

Many people know the importance of inviting positivity into their lives, but not the teachings behind the concept. It is believed that our own interpersonal thoughts have the ability to shape our reality. No task is unattainable and we have the power to push through our own limitations. The idea behind “inviting positivity into your life” stresses the importance of creating goals, self- reflecting on negative experiences, using positive talk, and adjusting your mentality. Altering the way you perceive and speak about certain situations in your life can allow for you to gain joy as well as help you obtain all of your desires.

For example, if you want to lose weight do not speak hatred towards yourself. This will only discourage you from continuing on with your weight loss journey as you will never be satisfied with the progress you have made. Instead visualize the you that you love and fill your mind with positive affirmations and uplifting self-talk. The more encouragement you give yourself, the more likely you will be to complete any weight loss goal. 

Need more help on how to set goals this year? Click here to learn how to create and reach your ambitions and desires!

Using Positivity To Improve You Diet And Exercise Routine

Now that you know the importance of inviting positivity into your life, how can you implement this philosophy into your daily routine? Well, here are three ways that you can apply this concept everyday in order to achieve your goals such as weight loss!

1. Discovering What Diet Should You Follow

How do you decided what diet to follow? You choose the diet that works for you!  One that includes the foods you like and fits your lifestyle. Make goals and alter eating patterns that will help you visualize the you that you love! Lifestyle change is more sustainable than most of the popular fad diets. Weight loss you can sustain takes time. It takes time to disrupt old habits, create new patterns, and master habit change. That’s why my weight loss programs are year long programs.

For the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 and My Plate Resource click here.

2. Create An Exercise Routine That Brings Positivity Into Your Life

Choose the kinds of physical activity you enjoy and work up gradually. To attract positivity into your life you need to make choices that bring you joy. If you do not enjoy running then do not force yourself to perform that act. Consistency comes from the desire to achieve a goal. If you are fully invested and have fun with your ambitions then you will be more likely achieve all of your aspirations.

Do you know how much exercise you really need to stay healthy? Click here to learn the importance of physical activity as well as the benefits of staying active.

3. Letting Go Of Perfectionism

It is normal to make mistakes in life; it is the way we learn and grow. Creating new habits is about the journey, not a destination. Do not strive to be perfect, instead reach for joy and calmness. The anxiety you get when trying to achieve perfectionism is just a superficial manifestation of your fears of failure. Let go of that stress and allow for yourself to visualize the you that you love.

Need more help towards reaching your goals and becoming your best self? Don’t worry. Give us a call and follow our Facebook page. We’ll make an appointment to talk via Zoom or by phone. Together, we’ll find a way to make your day a little healthier and happier.

Call 301-869-1787 or click here to set up an appointment as my free gift to you.

Announcement: Living Your Healthy Sweet Life Podcast Series

Be sure to check out our Living Your Healthy Sweet Life Podcast Series! In this series, we discuss how to break out of your old habits and form new healthy habits while still being able to enjoy cookies from time to time. Could you imagine a life not controlled by food or other cravings? It would be much easier to enjoy the moment you are in. Let’s make a fresh start together this week with Episode 5 on Enjoy Mindful Eating!

  • Click here to listen for FREE on Spotify:                                                                                                                           

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To your Joy and Health,

Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN

This blog post had contributions by Bailee Richman, Dietetics Student from the University of Maryland