When it comes to healthy self love, we can’t forget about self-care tips. Today, we’ll be going over self-care tips that you can do on your own or with others. Self care isn’t limited to the physical body—it also includes mental health, spiritual health, social health, emotional health, spiritual health, etc.

Self care is defined by dictionary.com as, “the act of attending to one’s physical or mental health, generally without medical or other professional consultation.” One of the things you can focus on with this is mindfulness and relaxation. Mindfulness is defined as, “a technique in which one focuses one’s full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them.” Through mindfulness techniques, one can be able to relax their mind and body. These techniques include activities such as yoga, meditation, going on walks, and taking time to explore and observe your surroundings. During each of these, you can even do some controlled breathing which can assist with improving concentration and increasing alertness. While these are important, one of the major things is to make sure that if you are prescribed any medication by your doctor, be sure that you take it on time. If this means making a schedule so you can remind yourself, be sure to do it as it is important for your health.

These aren’t the only self-care tips. For your physical health, you can try having a mini spa day of your own. You can soak your feet in warm water, and if you’ve done research of your own you can try adding in some essential oils. You can also give yourself a massage in easy-to-reach areas like your hands and feet. Massages can help release tension and reduce muscle pain. You can even take a 20-30 minute nap during the day which can help to improve your cognitive function and ease stress. As simple as it sounds, practicing good hygiene is also important even if you don’t leave your house. Bathing everyday can help improve the way you see yourself and it makes you feel comfortable. In addition, keeping up with your personal appearance (i.e. how you dress) can help boost your self-esteem.

Some self-care tips for mental and emotional health include keeping a journal where you write down happy thoughts or keep track of things you’re grateful for that occurred throughout the day. This can help in combating potential negative emotions. Art activities can also be helpful as they give you a change to express your creativity and clear your mind. Listening to music can also be relaxing and calming. If you’re looking to avoid feelings of loneliness or isolation, you can try connecting with friends and family members, whether face-to-face or via technology. You can also try praying or spending time in nature to assist with your spiritual health. If you are looking for other things to keep busy, try looking at our blog “Summer Activities and Hobbies.” Also, take a look at our “Mindfulness and Making Better Food Choices” blog to see how you can practice mindfulness when eating.


Make a cup of tea and join 3 gifted Co-Hosts for an amazing 1-hour conversation about how to heal the food-shame connection. Discover how to turn this connection into the healthy sweet spot of your life and claim your boldness.

The Details:

Date: Thursday July 29th

Time: 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Venue: Clubhouse

Follow the link to this Clubhouse event. If you’re new to Clubhouse, when you follow this link, you’ll be prompted to download the Clubhouse App. Click here: https://www.clubhouse.com/event/mgv3l7jK

  • Click here to watch the Latest Sweet Life Wellness Podcast Episode on How to Enjoy Mindful Eating.
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Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian

Blessing Bolomope, Student Intern
B.S. Nutrition & Food Science – Dietetics
University of Maryland, College Park | 2020