This week, we will be discussing some ideas for home exercises using different household items / equipment, more specifically, a chair. There are many exercises and stretches you can do with things in a household, such as furniture, doorways, and even desks / tables. You can do even more if you have a mat or a blanket and pillow. As you read, you’ll get to see some of these home exercise ideas with equipment you may have in your own house!

  • Leg Lifts: It’s as simple as its name. While sitting up straight on a chair, lift up one leg at a time and hold for 15 seconds. Do this for about 5-6 reps (or as many times as you feel comfortable). If you need support, lean on the back of the chair or use your hands to grasp the bottom of the seat. These can help to develop your quadriceps. As a challenge, you can lift up one leg then use your arms to push your body off the chair. You can alternate the legs and hold for 5-10 seconds or as long as you can.
  • Crunches: This exercise focuses on your abdominal muscles. Sit at the edge of your seat and make sure that your feet are planted firmly on the ground and your back is straight. Slowly lean back in the chair while contracting your abdomen. Then, come back to a sitting position.
    • If you want to add a layer of difficulty, you can do cross body crunches. For this, you are still seated near the end of your seat. Place both hands on the back of your head. Raise up one leg, bent at the knee, and touch the opposite elbow. Then, return to your seated position. Do this with the other elbow and knee and keep alternating the different sides.
  • Side Twists: This exercise focuses on your oblique muscles. The contraction of this muscle is what assists the trunk in rotating and flexing. As you’re sitting in the chair, turn your body as far to the right or left as it can go. Hold for 10 seconds before switching to the other side. You can do this for as many reps as you want. For support, you can grab the back of the chair to hold you in place.
  • Foot Tapping: If you are ever in a situation where you have to sit for a long period of time, you can try tapping one foot for 10-20 seconds, then switch to the other one. This can help with the blood flow in your legs compared to them just remaining sedentary. You can also try rotating your ankles, both clockwise and counterclockwise.

While these aren’t common household items, if you have a yoga mat, weights, or resistance bands, you could add a whole variety of exercises to your list. There is plenty of information out there regarding different exercises you can do in the comfort of your home with said equipment. For example, you can do yoga, tai chi, meditation, or simple stretches. You can also do Zumba or other dance exercises. However, like we’ve discussed throughout this blog, those pieces of equipment aren’t needed for some simple exercises. Some things don’t even require a chair! It all depends on how you use what you have. Take a look at our blog for 25 Days Of Workouts! Get Some Exercise As You Watch Holiday Movies. Try to get creative and see what you can do with the items you have at home. You might be surprised with your findings!

Robinson, K. R., Leighton, P., Logan, P., Gordon, A. L., Anthony, K., Harwood, R. H., Gladman, J. R. F., & Masud, T. (2014). Developing the principles of CHAIR based exercise for older people: A modified delphi study. BMC Geriatrics, 14(1).

Feature Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash

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Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN
Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Nutritionist-Dietitian

Blessing Bolomope, Student Intern
B.S. Nutrition & Food Science – Dietetics
University of Maryland, College Park | 2020