Healthy, Mindful, Organized: Best Online Resources

Please enjoy this list of my favorite resources to keep you healthy, mindful, and organized this summer and as we navigate these difficult times of living through a pandemic. Last week we offered you a blog post with 5 apps that we recommended and this week we offer seven online resources to help you be healthy, mindful, and organized.


  • Medical Conditions and COVID-19: Find a list of conditions that put people at higher risk of severe illness from CDC Covid-19. This list includes persons who are obese and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) higher than 30. Check this regularly updated list.
  • Understand the Nutrition Facts Label:You’re trying to lose weight or have special dietary needs because of a medical condition.You know you need to look closely at the food label, but are not sure how to use it to make shopping decisions. Get the facts about how to use the Nutrition Facts Label.
  • Food Safety: If you’ve ever been sick from food poisoning or want to know when it’s time to throw out the food that’s been lingering in the refrigerator, check out Food Your Gateway to Food Safety Information.
  • Physical Activity:You want to get more active, but not sure where to focus or how much physical activity you need? Take a look at this chart from the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
  • Healthy diet:You hear so many different things about which foods are healthy, that you don’t know what to eat? Find out more about making healthy choices that make up a healthy diet.

And don’t forget about the recent post we created about what foods will help you with your immunity. Click here for more.


Find Teachings & Tools for Mindfulness that can restore your inner balance,  calm and clarity and bring Resilience in Challenging Times.


Check out this valuable article from So much good advice in this article that applies to everyone who works or wants to be productive. My favorite is number 24: Take Care of Your Well-Being.  After all, if you’re exhausted, how productive can you be?

Find 24 Time management strategies to be more efficient from

Need more help with getting healthy, mindful, and organized or with building a healthy relationship with food? Don’t worry. Give us a call. We’ll make an appointment to talk via Zoom or by phone. We’ll see what’s right for you.

Together we’ll create your healthy sweet life by building a healthy relationship with food.

To your Joy and Health,

Kay Loughrey, MPH, RDN, LDN


Transformational Speaker, Breakthrough Coach, Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist